Art Collection Telekom at Królikarnia

Art Col­lec­tion Telekom will be the special guest of this year’s Warsaw Gal­lery Week­end. The col­lec­tion, established by Deut­sche Telekom in 2010, is focused on con­tem­porary art across Eastern Europe, amas­sing works of varied genres and ideas. Among them are e.g. photographs and videos by Aneta Grzeszykowska.

The presen­tation at the Królikar­nia serves as a preview of a broader exhibition plan­ned for 2017. It features the works of Maria Kulikovska (born 1988) and Eva Koťátková (born 1982), whose exhibition Dilo přírody” (Work of Nature) we opened at Raster’s new venue on Wspólna Street exac­tly five years ago, for Warsaw Gal­lery Week­end 2011. 

warsaw gal­lery weekend

Art Collection Telekom at Królikarnia

Xawery Dunikowski Museum of Sculpture at Królikarnia

Puławska 113a, Warsaw



fot. Eva Koťátková, Educational Model, 2009