Zbigniew Libera<br>ART OF LIBERATION

What was Polish critical art? What were the emotions that sur­roun­ded the exhibitions presen­ted at the Ujaz­dow­ski Castle Centre for Con­tem­porary Art? What can press materials tell us about an artist’s life? We will find answers to these questions in the first of the three volumes of Art of Liberation. Press Study 1988–2018, a monumen­tal project by Zbigniew Libera. Volume one, span­ning the years 1988–1997, is due out in October 2019; the fol­lowing two volumes (1998–2007 and 2008–2018) in 2020.


An authorial selec­tion of press texts, an art book, a work of and on jour­nalism and criticism, a documen­tation of an artist’s activities and of the trans­for­mations of Polish art institutions – a press study of Zbigniew Libera’s thirty years’ prac­tice sheds light not only on his figure, but also on the art world itself, as seen against the back­ground of social chan­ges in transformation-​era Poland.


The three-​volume publication is a com­pilation of Polish and inter­national press artic­les on Zbigniew Libera’s work. We will find out what were the main topics of the art-​world discour­ses, what stir­red the greatest con­troversy, and who was the critics’ dar­ling. Indirec­tly, the clip­pings will offer insight into the con­dition of Polish art criticism and art institutions.


Zbigniew Libera

Graphic design: Kalina Możdżyńska
Format: 240 × 277 mm, 344 pages
ISBN: 978-83-65240-61-3
Publisher: Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski
Warszawa 2019

120 PLN