Slavs and Tatars with Audience Award for Preis der Nationalgalerie 2015

We’re happy to inform that Slavs and Tatars won the Audience Award for the National­galerie prize for young artists living/working in Germany, a prestigious award that in the previous years went to Monika Bonvicini, Omer Fast and Cyprien Gail­lard – to call a few. The artists have presented their works in an exhibition “Qit Qat Qlub” at Ham­bur­ger Bahn­hof along with other nominees (Christian Fal­snaes, Florian Hecker and Anne Imhof who won the main prize).


Photos: David von Becker

PraySway (brown), 2015, wood, steel, rope, 370 × 77 x 14 cm

Made in Germany, 2015, vacuum-formed plastic, acrylic paint, 64 x 91 cm


Slavs and Tatars with Audience Award for Preis der Nationalgalerie 2015