The piece was prepared for the exhibition “Manipulations: on economies of deceit” (curated by Adam Budak). Perpendicular posts, made of black pain­ted card­board, placed direc­tly on the floor, form a spatial visualization of a statistical bar chart, such as is often found on the finan­cial columns of con­tem­porary  newspapers. The monotonous, Sisyphean, rhythm of grow­ths and falls, forms a minimalist  abstract instal­lation that resem­bles a children’s puzzle or domimo brick. The diagonally fal­ling light draws shadows on the floor and referen­ces the graphic, new­spaper original, of the com­position. The poten­tial of Budny’s work is realized in this inces­sant oscil­lation between the enig­matic self-​restrained form of an abs­tract chart and the real economic tur­bulence that is trans­lated into the twists of the curves of growth.

Michał Budny
Data source

2006, painted cardboard, 29 elements, (5x) 6 x 5 x 5 cm, (6x) 12 x 5 x 5 cm, (6x) 18 x 5 x 5 cm (6x) 24 x 5 x 5 cm, (6x) 30 x 5 x 5 cm