
A monolithic slan­ting figure, covered with cor­rugated card­board with shapes of rooftops cut from below – an unusual inter­pretation of a most usual weather phenomenon, in a meticulous, bookbinder-like, manner. A section of a wave of rain moved by the wind. By con­struc­ting models of immaterial phenomena (such as rain, sun­light, or silence), with the use of the sim­plest, and at the same time short-​lived material, such as paper, Budny achieves the effect of an excep­tional light­ness and unpretentiousness of the sculp­tural form. His method is not of for­ming, but of thinking about form. Rain is not rain, but “only“ a thought on the subject.

Michał Budny

2004 cardboard, corrugated cardboard 95 x 115 x 50 cm private collection