Hymns of No Resistance (Stuck in Ossetia with You)

Hymns of No Resistance features clas­sic and cult pop songs revised to address issues of ter­ritorial dispute, lan­guage and geo­politics within greater Eurasia. Here Stuck in Ossetia with You (originally Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel) looks at the recent Russian-​Georgian conflict.

The reper­toire inc­ludes an adap­tation of Michael Sembello’s Flash­dance track She’s a Maniac comes She’s Armenian, replacing the strug­gles of an aspiring dancer with those of a diaspora Armenian. Meanwhile, Young Kurds – a retel­ling of Rod Stewart’s Young Turks – tells the story of Mas­soud and Shirin, a Kur­dish couple trying to carve out their own iden­tity, while Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off (from the Ger­sh­win original) debates not the pronun­ciation of produce, but rather the con­tested names of cities resul­ting from historical conflicts.

Hymns of No Resistance (Stuck in Ossetia with You)

book cover, 4 song sheets, gold-foil on canvas, mimeograph print, hand-coloured paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, ed. of 10 + 1 A.P.