Meta Folklore

Janek Simon (born 1977) com­bines in his works elements of post-​colonial theory, com­puter science, and anar­chism, with do-it-yourself practices. Meta Folk­lore is a series of figures prin­ted in 3D tech­nology based on a neural network created by the artist. The con­tinually expan­ding database—a set of photographs of the most varied figurative ethnic sculp­tures from various eras and cultures—is proces­sed based on prin­ciples of machine lear­ning and generates new pat­terns mutated in various ways. Based on these designs, Simon elaborates the final shape of his figures, and then prints individual elements from mul­ticoloured plastic threads and com­poses them into a whole. Simon’s sculp­tures offer a fan­tastic vision of a univer­sal con­tem­porary folk­lore, generated using AI but drawing on authen­tic sour­ces. Their forms seem futuristic but at the same time intuitively near and familiar, as if logically deduced from a long tradition of non-​academic figurative sculpture.




Meta Folklore v0.1.2.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 65 × 19,5 × 18 cm







Meta Folklore v0.1.2.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 65 × 19,5 × 18 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.2.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 85 × 23 × 21 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.2.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 85 × 23 × 21 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.3, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 98,5 × 21 × 22,5 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.3, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 98,5 × 21 × 22,5 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.6, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 69,5 × 13 × 12 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.6, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 69,5 × 13 × 12 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.4, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 77 × 19 × 20 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.4, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 77 × 19 × 20 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.7, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 70 × 17 × 17 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.7, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 70 × 17 × 17 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.6.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 67 × 18 × 15 cm







Meta Folklore v0.2.6.2, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 67 × 18 × 15 cm





Meta Folklore v0.2.7, 2023, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 55 × 22.5 × 10.5 cm | 21.5 × 8.8 × 4 in



Meta Folklore v0.2.8, 2023, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 66 × 17.5 × 10 cm



Meta Folklore v0.1.1.5, 2023, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 51 × 13 × 12 cm



Meta Folklore v0.2.5, 2022, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 68 × 18 × 14cm


Janek Simon
Meta Folklore


3-d print, polymer PLA