KwieKulik presen­ted these two series of images numerous times in various con­texts and con­figurations. Variations of Red was com­posed from a col­lec­tion of dozens of slides that con­tained a red element, like a piece of fabric, an inscrip­tion, etc. KwieKulik had gathered the footage when documen­ting their own and other artists’ works. The Path of Edward Gierek con­sisted of com­piling front pages of new­spapers from 1971, the year after Gierek was chosen as First Secretary of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR) [after the bloody events of Decem­ber 1970, which resul­ted in political chan­ges in Poland]. He is primarily seen meeting represen­tatives of various milieus, often delegations of wor­kers all over Poland. By stres­sing the repetitive gestures of Gierek, KwieKulik made an ironic com­ment on his new mode of leader­ship, one which preten­ded to be open to dialogue. The overt political implications of the work are obvious. Analyzing real and sym­bolic politics via a mer­ging or juxtaposition of their imaginaries became con­stitutive in later KwieKulik works.




Variations of Red / The Path of Edward Gierek

1971 digitalized 2005, Two-screen slide installation, HD, 2x 136 slides, 11'33” ed. of 5 + 2 A.P. #2/5