The Polish art market has evolved over the past few years. Despite initial con­cerns, the pan­demic did not stunt the develop­ment of the col­lec­tors’ community—quite the reverse. We have grown accustomed to cut­ting the distance and viewing pic­tures and sculp­tures on phone screens. Con­tem­porary art has found its way into private homes for good.


What is Warsaw’s con­tem­porary art scene like today? It remains vivacious, sometimes feisty, and yet profes­sional, uphol­ding a world stan­dard. It is inter­national and local, all at once. But above all, it is full of intriguing initiatives, exciting both for viewers and the artists themselves.


Warsaw Spring is an attempt to cap­ture this extraor­dinary moment. It will also be a chance to see some fan­tastic art and to build up your col­lec­tion; it is a pretext to integrate the col­lec­tors’ community.


The format of the event joins our favorite features of art fairs and metropolitan gal­lery week­ends. Over three days you’ll have a chance to see sixteen presen­tations scat­tered all across Warsaw.




12–7 p.m.


Raster Gallery, Wspólna 63,  Warsaw