The word formy in Polish means both shapes—on the surface, as well as three-dimensional ones—but also possible ways of behavior. The word can also be associated with a modern revolution in art—with the idea of creating new artistic and social forms.
The joint exhibition of Rafał Bujnowski and Michelle Rawlings shows painterly experience from two completely different places in the world—American Texas and southern Poland, which is connected by the interest in elementary forms and the construction of a painting. Both artists use painting in their own peculiar way but acting upon it in a completely different matter. Bujnowski limits his artistic means to a bare minimum, forming images with single, quick, almost mechanical brush strokes. Rawlings on the other hand takes simple pictures found in magazines or girlish Instagram accounts and converts them into paintings: sophisticated, time-consuming and meticulous in terms of her workshop. Nonetheless the effect in both cases is similar—a fascinating game with a world overloaded with mechanical images, offering the viewer a return to a “handwritten” gesture and modern discipline of form.
Exhibition partner: Bytom S.A.