Bujnowski, Dawicki and the Drunkard’s Dog

‘The Drunkard’s Dog’ is a twofold exhibition: in two sym­metrical gal­lery spaces of GGM2 Rafal Buj­now­ski and Oskar Dawicki present their own inter­pretation of a tough relation between an artist and his art. In both cases the reflec­tion is hal­l­mar­ked by melan­choly and a critical analysis of own work.

Buj­now­ski, along with patchwork-​like pain­tings from the ‘Rubbish’ series and com­pres­sed canvases from ‘Wrong Works’, prepared a monumen­tal and extraodrinary lead window.

Dawicki, along with his ‘written drawings’ and a sur­prising, almost intimate ‘Butterflies in the Stomach’ com­position, prepared a premiere of an instal­lation made up of several dozen of light­bulbs filled with black paint, inspired by an iconoc­lastic attack on The Black Madonna of Częstochowa pain­ting in Autumn 2012.


Oskar Dawicki, Untitled, 2014, acrylic paint, lightbulbs

Oskar Dawicki, Untitled, 2014, acrylic paint, lightbulbs

Oskar Dawicki, Twenty Years of Losing Shine, 1995-2014, artist's jacket

Oskar Dawicki, Butterflies in the Stomach, 2013, stickers and oil on canvas

Oskar Dawicki, Untitled, 2014, acrylic paint, lightbulbs

Oskar and Rafal minutes before the show opening, 23.01.2014

Rafal Bujnowski, Lead Window, 2014, glass, lead (detail)

Rafal Bujnowski, Lead Window, 2014, glass, lead 

Rafal Bujnowski, from the Rubbish series, 2013, oil on canvas

Rafal Bujnowski, Lamps, 2013, glass, lead

Bujnowski, Dawicki and the Drunkard’s Dog

Rafal Bujnowski and Oskar Dawicki, The Drunkard's Dog


Gdansk City Gallery 2, 24.01.-2.03.2014