Jabłońska at the new headquarters of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Karolina Jabłońska’s pain­ting will be on view at the café in the new headquar­ters of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, star­ting on its opening day, October 25, 2024.


„Karolina Jabłońska’s pain­tings rely on black humor and sur­real situations in which the heroine, a fic­tional young girl, finds her­self. Jars 2024 is a ‘still life’ com­posed of canned goods hur­riedly discar­ded along the road, or the rem­nants of an emptied-​out pantry. Con­tainers of pic­kles and preserves, broken glass, a letter in a bottle (a record of cur­rent events, sent from 2024 into the future), are placed in a meadow among trash and craw­ling snails. Change is con­stan­tly under­way in the jars, a con­tinual ‘processing’ of matter. One jar seems to con­tain a pic­kled head—or per­haps it is just the reflec­tion of the artist’s face as she gazes at this land­scape, both familiar and terrifying.”

Jabłońska at the new headquarters of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw