Olszowy and Maciejowski in Dresden

Dominika Olszowy’s sculp­ture Hay Man’s Wet Dream (2020), from the col­lec­tion of MSN Warsaw, is featured at a show of Polish art at the Kun­sthalle im Lip­sius­bau in Dres­den, a dialogue between selec­ted works from the history of Polish postwar art and con­tem­porary works. Also taking part in the exhibition are Marcin Maciejow­ski, Wil­helm Sasnal, and Oskar Dawicki, who also executed a per­for­mance piece during the opening.


Sonderausstellung "Der Wandel wird kommen. Kritik und Engagement in der polnischen Kunst", Lipsiusbau Dresden, 06.11.24 - 16.03.25



Olszowy and Maciejowski in Dresden