The neurotics’ monument on Aleje Ujazdowskie

After a pre-​premiere presen­tation of The neurotics’ monument—Oskar’s Puddle at the Królikar­nia, the monument reached its destination on Aleje Ujaz­dow­skie in Warsaw, by the bike path between Agrykola and the entry to the Univer­sity of Warsaw Botanic Garden. Oskar Dawicki, to whom this excep­tional work is dedicated, took part in the launch with the inaugural fil­ling with water of the trough carved in the granite paving stones. The puddle thus formed takes the shape of a per­fect circle. This is the latest iteration of Bujnowski’s ongoing project in public space, fol­lowing the monument to Louis-​Auguste Cyparis and com­memorative slabs in Tarnów and Sopot. The project was produced by Fun­dacja Witryna.

exhibitions in warsaw

The neurotics’ monument on Aleje Ujazdowskie

Rafał Bujnowski
The neurotics' monument—Oskar’s Puddle


Curator: Agnieszka Sural
Producer: Fundacja Witryna