Meeting with Małgorzata Czyńska <br> Premiere of the book “Dwurnik. Art Worker”

Małgorzata Czyńska, the author of the book “Dwurnik. Art Worker”, will be a guest of Łukasz Gor­czyca at the Raster Gal­lery. This is a significant space for the artistic work of Edward Dwur­nik, as he him­self recounted:


“The foun­ders of Raster, Łukasz Gor­czyca and Michał Kaczyński, were very kind to me. In 1997, they featured the slogan ‘We want a grand retrospec­tive of Dwurnik!!!’ in the ‘Raster’ magazine, an artistic periodical of the art history student circle. They showed that the youn­ger generation appreciates my work, my vision in pain­ting. I liked them, I liked that they were young with ideas, and I got to know them. Of course, as usual, I was generous and gave them a pain­ting each”.


Edward Dwur­nik, an out­stan­ding pain­ter and graphic artist, the enfant ter­rible of the art world. A media favorite, a witty provocateur, a keen observer of Poland and its people. He became famous for series such as “Hitchhiking Journeys,” “Warsaw,” “Workers,” and “Athletes”. A boy from a family without artistic traditions or con­nec­tions, he felt that pain­ting was his destiny.


With Małgorzata Czyńska, he wanted to talk about life and art. He reminisced about his adven­turous youth in Międzylesie near Warsaw, his years of study at the Academy of Fine Arts, and his first trips abroad. He shared stories about the brutal war­time reality, con­tacts with the com­munist authorities, involvement in politics, but also about his first youth­ful infatuations, drun­ken escapades, fame, and money. He also talked about his work­shop, colors, his fascinations, and his masters – from Delacroix through Nikifor to Hopper.

Meeting with Małgorzata Czyńska
Premiere of the book “Dwurnik. Art Worker”

13.12.2023 | 18:00

Raster, ul. Wspólna 63, Warsaw

The conversation will be moderated by Łukasz Gorczyca