“Mouth to Mouth” in Vilnius

Slavs and Tatars’ mid-career survey “Mouth to Mouth” has been traveling the world since 2016 and is now presen­ted at Con­tem­porary Art Centre (CAC) in Vilnius. After being shown at Ujaz­dow­ski Castle CCA in Warsaw, Pejman Foun­dation in Tehran, and SALT Galata in Istan­bul, and addres­sing issues such as cul­tural trans­lation, shared lin­guistic heritage, and mysticism in con­tem­porary societies, it now features a new angle thanks to its curator, Monika Lipšic. 
The CAC presen­tation especially high­lights the collective’s new cycle of works called Pickle Politics, that draws inspiration from the 19th cen­tury literary movement in Vil­nius Univer­sity circ­les, called “Towarzystwo Szubrawcow” (The Society of Rascals). This body of work brings together the regional histories of the Lithuanian-​Polish Com­mon­wealth period and local com­munities like Karaites; the anti-​rabbinnical sect of Judaism today living in the ter­ritories of Lithuania, Poland and Crimea. The once famous cucum­ber used for pickling, Ogórek Trocki (Trakai Cucum­ber), was lost forever but the politics could well be seen through the lens of fermentation. 

Read more: cac.lt



exhibitions abroad

“Mouth to Mouth” in Vilnius

"Mouth to Mouth"

Slavs and Tatars

Contemporary Art Centre (CAC) Vilnius

Vilnius, Lithuania



Photos courtesy of CAC Vilnius