Paris Photo <br> Aneta Grzeszykowska and Zofia Rydet


Paris Photo
Aneta Grzeszykowska and Zofia Rydet

Raster presents a dialogue between two recognized female artists from two generations: Zofia Rydet (1911-1997) and Aneta Grzeszykow­ska (b.1974). In their works a creative approach to the photographic medium merges with deep social and existen­tial reflec­tion. Both—Rydet’s photomon­tages and Grzeszykowska’s sub­ver­sive self-portraits—focus on the image of the female body and engage in empathetic polemics with its various cul­tural roles

Janek Simon <br> SIXTEENTH WORLD


Janek Simon

The work of Janek Simon grows out of experien­ces of travel between diverse cul­tures, economies and visions of the future, which the artist com­bines using innovative digital tools and DIY practice. The sculp­ture series “Meta Folklore”, executed over the past two years, is an artistic, tech­nological and political fantasy—a vision of a new, univer­sal art created using artificial intel­ligence fed by a database of thousands of non-​academic sculp­tures from all over the world.



Oskar Zięta

Oskar Zięta’s design prac­tice derives from a moder­nistic ethos of innovation and tech­nology which drives aesthetics. The point of depar­ture for the project prepared especially for the Raster Sculp­ture Garden is the figure of the rug-​beating frame typically found in the cour­tyard of a housing com­plex, from which the artist explores a sur­prising space between func­tional garden fur­niture and an abs­tract, futuristic spatial forms.

Rafał Bujnowski, Peter Puklus, Zofia Rydet<br>1000 HANDS

2019 exhibitions

Rafał Bujnowski, Peter Puklus, Zofia Rydet
1000 HANDS

Metaphorically and seasonally, the exhibition 1000 Hands suits the climate of the pre-​spring thaw, illuminating a land­scape of exhaustion and approaching, intuitively sensed change. In Polish literature this metaphor car­ries a political dimen­sion. In the works shown together here by Rafał Buj­now­ski (1974–), Peter Puklus (1980–) and Zofia Rydet (1911–1997), what is vital is the very process of trans­for­mation, and the accom­panying ambivalence, the tem­perature of inter­per­sonal relations and the poten­tial of the human hands from the title.

If I Were the Moon

warsaw gal­lery week­end 2018

If I Were the Moon

The post-​romantic figure of the drun­ken artist is fading into the past, leaving behind a land­scape lit­tered with hal­lucinations, depravity, and shat­tered illusions. This is the story of the intimate ties between con­tem­porary art and vodka. Con­ceived as a medley of artworks and documen­tary con­tent, the exhibition features Krzysztof M. Bed­nar­ski, Olaf Brzeski, Michał Budny, Rafał Buj­now­ski, Oskar Dawicki, Edward Dwur­nik, Władysław Hasior, Jerzy Lewczyński, Honorata Martin, Dominika Olszowy, Zbigniew Rogal­ski, Wil­helm Sasnal, and others.

Nobuyoshi Araki, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Eva Koťátková<br>FOREIGN BODIES

2018 exhibitions

Nobuyoshi Araki, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Eva Koťátková

Contemporary visual cul­ture treats the body as a plastic material that can be formed, shaped, distor­ted and defor­med as needed or desired. The images gathered for our exhibition are a special col­lec­tion of such bodies sub­jec­ted to various treat­ments and forms of sub­duing and con­trol­ling the body.
The cosmetic masks photographed by Grzeszykow­ska effec­tively reshape the artist’s face. The school les­sons in anatomy in Koťátková’s col­lages results in decon­struc­tion of the holistic unity of body and psyche. Araki’s nudes fran­kly address sexual prac­tices groun­ded in domination.

Friend of a Friend

2018 exhibitions

Friend of a Friend

“Friend of a Friend” is a con­cept based on the prin­ciple of frien­dly col­laboration between con­tem­porary art gal­leries. It puts together Warsaw-​based spaces as hosts with inter­national guests, and thus aims to establish an alter­native plat­form for com­mer­cial gal­leries to present con­tem­porary art. The group exhibition prepared at Raster will inc­lude works by Breyer P-Orridge (1950, UK) from Zurich’s Galerie Bern­hard, Andrea Kvas (1986, IT) and Nick Bastis (1985, US) from Vienna’s Ermes-​Ermes gal­lery, as well as Olaf Brzeski. 

Przemek Matecki<br>SMALL PAINTINGS

2018 exhibition

Przemek Matecki

In his latest series of pain­tings, which he worked on non­stop for the past year or more, Matecki takes on the vast­ness of art. A tan­gible symbol of its fecun­dity is the heavy piles of super­fluous exhibition catalogs and art magazines which the artist brow­ses through in search of inspiring material for his own work. Matecki gives new life to reproduc­tions, trans­for­ming them into sharp, witty miniature oil pain­tings. The treat­ments he applies generate sur­prising effects. Here art is sub­mit­ted to an authorial com­pres­sion and regains its vigor. Often with a single gesture, Matecki extracts the essence from the work of other artists and creates entirely new pain­tings exuding energy and humor, a kind of con­tem­porary, masterly capriccio.



Karolina has prepared a special limited series of 30 unique works on paper, which are offered for sale along with the book “Made-Up Story”.


Collector’s offer


Original posters by Edward Dwur­nik from the 1980s, which accom­panied individual shows by the artist. The expres­sive style of these works and the spareness of their prin­ting per­fec­tly cap­ture the specific climate of the crisis decade of mar­tial law, strikes, and the dawn of the Polish transformation.

Waldemar Baraniewski<br>Pałac w Warszawie

raster editions

Waldemar Baraniewski
Pałac w Warszawie

“Pałac w War­szawie” by Wal­demar Baraniew­ski, a book from our architec­tural Warsaw series of publications, with a special photograph by Błażej Pindor in limited edition of 30 copies.


raster editions


A series of black and white photographs showing figures “found” in the shape of bran­ches, made of sticks, gras­ses, hay.

Gutt’s Warsaw

raster editions

Gutt’s Warsaw

“Romuald Gutt’s Warsaw” by Błażej Pindor, a book from our architec­tural Warsaw series of publications, with a special photograph by the artist in limited edition of 30 copies.


raster editions


Collector’s edition of Zbigniew Libera’s “Photographs” album with a limited edition miniature format of his “First Day of Freedom” 2012 photograph.

Karolina Jabłońska in Sopot


Karolina Jabłońska in Sopot

The exhibition ‘Preserves. Works from 2023–24’ is a testament to and documen­tation of the develop­ment of Jabłońska’s autotheoretical and autofic­tional prac­tices in pain­ting over recent years. The protagonist of Karolina Jabłońska’s latest pain­tings faces social, political, and aesthetic chan­ges that have occur­red in Poland – a coun­try whose politics in recent years have become known for an anti-​feminist agenda and various forms of exclusion.