Bandari String Fingerling

The daily taming of hair is an act of civilization, bat­tling the unruliness of the body. In this sense the rituals of daily existence, such as com­bing one’s hair, echo as objects the coun­sel of the Mir­rors for Prin­ces genre. Like the genre of medieval advice literature, grooming has also under­gone an increased profanization in recent cen­turies. Once a sacred, ritual prac­tice, today it is often a mere cosmetic trans­ac­tion or at best a tribal, gen­dered belon­ging.
Ban­dari String Fin­ger­ling por­trays the pluc­king of facial hair–which fol­lows stric­tly gen­dered lines, accep­table for men, unac­cep­table for women–as a precious act of penitence.

Slavs and Tatars
Bandari String Fingerling

oak wood, metal, wire, 30 x 20 x 10 cm