Dig the Booty

A trans­literation of an aphorism across Latin, Cyril­lic and Per­sian scripts, Dig the Booty pays homage to the vicis­situdes of the Azeri alphabet which chan­ged 3 times over the past cen­tury: from Arabic to Latin in 1929, from Latin to Cyril­lic in 1939, only to go back to Latin in 1991.


Trans­literation is the frumpy, less fet­ching sibling to trans­lation: where the latter is noble, theorized, and prac­ticed by eminent writers, trans­literation remains an often over­looked neces­sary evil.

Dig the Booty

vacuum-formed plastic, 91 x 64 cm, ed. of 3 + 1 A.P.