“Simurgh Self-Help” Merch Drop

Part of the show Simurgh Self-​Help is the new merch drop py Slavs and Tatars, inc­luding caps, T-shirts and leg­gings in various colour­ways, featuring themes and slogans from the show: Simurgh—See More.

The main figure of the new exhibition by Slavs and Tatar­sis Simurgh – a mythical bird known from Per­sian mythology but also present in literature and oral traditions in Cen­tral Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe. Simurgh is a metaphysical, winged being that is an allegory of spiritual elevation and self-​knowledge, often depic­ted in a fiery form and com­pletely fluid in terms of gender.

Merch is available exc­lusively at Raster during the exhibition, until July 6, 2024.



















Slavs and Tatars
“Simurgh Self-Help” Merch Drop

Limited edition of merch by Slavs and Tatars. Available at Raster only during the exhibition until July 6, 2024.


Cap: 120 PLN

T-shirt: 300 PLN

Leggings: 650 PLN