Born in 1975 in Wroclaw
1994-1995  - studied at the Faculty of Architecture of Technical University in Wroclaw
1995-2000 - studied at the Faculty of Sculpture at the Wroclaw Academy of Art and Design
Lives and works in Wroclaw


It is with a remar­kable sense of imagination that Olaf Brzeski (born 1975) rein­ter­prets the tradition and scope of sculp­ture. Many of the artist’s works refer direc­tly to the human form, enac­ting not so much the physical as the emotional depths of the sub­ject. Brzeski’s sculp­tural bodies are replete with the unexpec­ted, the uncanny, the unnatural and the over­sized. The source of these fan­tastic, astonishing forms is always the idea, then the sketch – as the sim­plest metaphor for the act of creation



Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, PL

The ING Polish Art Foundation,  PL

Zachęta National Gallery of Art, PL

Ossolineum, PL

National Museum in Wroclaw, PL



- The Situation is Perfect, Galeria Entropia, Wrocław, PL



- Wish, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielsko-Biała, PL



- Adventure, Raster, Warsaw, PL



- Once Upon A Time In Iran, KAAF Institute, Tehran, IR



- Vorraum (Anteroom), Polnisches Institut, Berlin, DE

- Megalomania, Raster, Warsaw, PL

- Half, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE

- Czułe Spojrzenie (Tender Look), Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, PL



- Samolub (Self-seeker), Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL

- Blask (Shine), Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, PL



- Tylko dla moich oczu (From My Eyes Only), Awangarda gallery - BWA Wroclaw, Wroclaw, PL

- Upadek człowieka, którego nie lubię (The Fall of the Man I Don’t Like), Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Opole, PL



- Monumentalis (Monumental), Platan gallery, Polish Institute, Budapest, HU

- A twarz miał obrośniętą uszami jak dno łodzi ostrygami (Ears have grown all over his face, like oysters on a bottom of a boat), Czarna gallery, Warsaw, PL



- Breath, Bunhouse Bandits Gallery, London, UK

- Sen – samozapłon (Dream – Spontaneous Combustion), BWA Zielona Gora Gallery, Zielona Gora, PL



- Czarne charaktery, czyli długo oczekiwana zmiana ról (Villains – The Extensively Awaited Swap of Roles), Glass and Ceramics Gallery - BWA Wroclaw, Wroclaw, PL



- Pan myśliwy (The Hunter), Okna Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL



- Tylko dla ludzi (For Humans Only), Awangarda gallery - BWA Wroclaw, Wroclaw, PL



- Tylko dla zwierząt (For Animals Only), Awangarda gallery - BWA Wroclaw, Wroclaw, PL




- Byzantine Nostalgia, Ujazdowski Castle, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL



-Three Steps into the Clouds, Elektrownia Mazovian Centre for Contemporary Art, Radom, PL

- Clouds of Lead, Gdańsk City Gallery, Gdańsk, PL

- Rococo Madness! Fascination with Rococo in Silesia (18th–21th c.), Four Domes Pavilionbranch of National Museum in Wroclaw, Wroclaw, PL

- Gypsum Flesh Story, Galeria ASP, Kraków, PL 

- Udomowienie, Willa Polonia, Busko-Zdrój, PL

- Na krawędzi, Obcy Miejsce, Warsaw, PL
- Backyard, Skala Gallery, Poznań, PL


- Regeneration Field, Dizajn BWA Wrocław, PL



- Two Arts Are Better than One, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL



- The Spirit of Nature and Other Fairy Tales, The Silesian Museum in Katowice, PL

- Private Mythologies. Marta's Birthday, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, PL



- The Cloud Atlas, Fondation François Schneider, Wattwiller, FR

- Dzikość serca. Portret i autoportret w Polsce po 1989 roku (Wild at Heart. Portrait and Self-Portrait in Poland after 1989), Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warszawa, PL



- Białe kłamstwo (White Lie), CSW Kronika, Bytom, PL

- Od „Sztucznej rzeczywistości” do selfie. Autoportret w polskiej sztuce współczesnej, BWA Wrocław, Wrocław, PL

- Teraźniejszość? Kolekcja Fundacji Sztuki Polskiej ING, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Opole, PL

- Uporczywe upodobanie (Pernicious Predilection), Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, PL

- Detsky Sen (Childhood Dream), Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, PL



- JET LAG, Platán Galéria, Budapest, HU

- A Rebours, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, PL



- Sztuka w naszym wieku (Art in Our Age), Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

- Brudnopis (Rough Sketch), Think Tank lab Triennale, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław, PL

- Wernakularność (Vernacularity), Alternativa Festival, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdańsk, PL

- Dzikie pola. Historia awangardowego Wrocławia (The Wild West. A History of Wroclaw’s Awant-Garde), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

- Otwarte miasto. VII Festiwal Sztuki w Przestrzeni Publicznej (Open City. Festival of Art in Public Space), Lublin, PL

- I will go there, take me home, Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast, UK

- Zbiory wspólne (Common Sets), Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, PL

- Stan życia. Polska sztuka współczesna w kontekście globalnym (State of Life. Polish Contemporary Artwithin a Global Circumstance), National Art Museum of China, Beijing, CN

- Umenie na hlave (Procedures for the Head), Kunsthalle Bratislava, Bratislava, SK



- Architektura cienia. Szalety i bazary (Shadow Architecture. Lavatories and Bazaars), Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, PL

- Niezgodnie z instrukcją, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Opole, PL



- Co pozostaje, BWA Sokół, Nowy Sącz, PL

- Katalog Entropii Sztuki (The Entropy of Art: a Catalogue), Entropia Gallery, Wroclaw, PL



- Huls (Hools), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

- Rysunek wraca w wielkim stylu (Drawing Is Coming Back in a Big Way), Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, PL

- Coming Soon (Ariergarda), Temporary Gallery, Cologne, DE

- Czerwona poprzeczka (The Red Bar), Galeria Salon Akademii, Warsaw, PL



- Guerillas, Arsenal Municipal Gallery, Poznan, PL

- Power of Fantasy, BOZAR, Brussels, BE

- 1000 lat nowoczesności (1000 Years of Modernity), BWA Tarnow Gallery, Moscice, PL

- Folskstone Triennale, Folkstone, UK



- Wszystkie stworzenia duże i małe (All Creatures Great and Small), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL



- Counter Logic, Cooper Gallery, Dundee, UK

- Le coeur est un chasseur solitaire (Heart Is a Lonely Hunter), Gare Saint-Sauveur, Lille, FR

- Spojrzenia (Views), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL

- Take a Look at Me Now, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich, UK

- East International, Norwich, UK

- Vision Division, Czarna Gallery, Warsaw, PL



- Artyści zewnętrzni (External Artists. Out of sth), BWA Wroclaw Gallery, Wroclaw, PL

- Festiwal Dialogu Czterech Kultur (Festival of Dialogue of Four Cultures), Lodz, PL

- 5. Triennale Młodych (5th Young Triennale), Centre of Polish Sculpture, Oronsko, PL

- International Triennale of Contemporary Art – ITCA 2008, Národní galerie v Praze, Prague, CZ

- Establishment jako źródło cierpień (Establishment and its discontents), Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL

- Ballady i romanse (Ballads and Romances), Raster Gallery, Warsaw, PL

- Nazajutrz (The Day After), Zamek Culture Centre, Poznan, PL



- A-Huset, Copenhagen, DK