LISTE 2019

For LISTE 2019, Raster presents a selec­tion of recent works by the gallery’s artists, focus­sing on humans’ flexible iden­tities in the con­text of digital imagery and analogue crafts.

Dominika Olszowy, who will have her first solo show at the gal­lery in Sep­tem­ber, deals with prophecies, omens and economies of ear­thly com­fort and eter­nal rest. She creates objects, instal­lations, per­for­man­ces, animations and theatrical stagings alluding to the sur­realist imaginarium but com­posed into con­tem­porary, post­humanist nar­ratives, seduc­tive in their sense of humour.

In the ambiguous pain­tings from the series The Last Day of Summer, Rafał Buj­now­ski explores the theme of the politics of light and pain­terly illusion in the con­text of human skin colour.

Janek Simon’s Polyeth­nic is a series of sculp­tures prin­ted at home using a 3D prin­ter and represen­ting figures that merge ethnic motifs from India, Africa, South America, Europe, and Poland. The prefix poly-, from the Greek polus, means “much,” “many,” “mul­tiple”; ethnic denotes affiliation with a par­ticular cul­ture, com­munity or nation. The sculp­tures decon­struct seemin­gly homogenous iden­tity con­cepts, which in reality emerge through com­plex sym­bolic and cul­tural proces­ses, con­stan­tly (re)constructed and (re)negotiated.

Michelle Raw­lings’ intimate-​scaled works are a study of con­tem­porary visual cul­ture from a woman’s or girl’s per­spec­tive. Raw­lings is interested in the col­lision of the traditional pain­terly medium and the moder­nist lan­guage of abs­trac­tion with digital reality: the struc­ture of pixels and the dynamic of social media. Her works com­bine the light­ness of vir­tual images with festishistic quality of materials, the canon of art history with the spon­taneous and random nature of the Instagram profiles of teenage girls.

art fairs 2019

LISTE 2019

Raster at LISTE Art Fair Basel
Rafał Bujnowski, Dominika Olszowy, Michelle Rawlings, Janek Simon




Burgweg 15
CH-4058 Basel