NADA Miami


Raster presents a mul­tifaceted selec­tion of recent pain­tings and small-​scale sculp­tures, com­bining the method of bor­rowing images and shifting them between dif­ferent media: drawing, pain­ting, and three-​dimensional object.
The pain­tings by Paweł Althamer (born 1967) and Przemysław Matecki (born 1976) are the fruits of joint pain­ting ses­sions which the artists—sculptor and painter—conducted over the past three years in Matecki’s studio. These works com­bine elements of spon­taneous, figurative drawing, col­lage and assem­blage.
The latest multi-​layered pain­tings by Zbigniew Rogal­ski (born 1974) from the series My Col­lec­tion allude to works by the greats of con­tem­porary art, significant for the artist, on which Rogal­ski projects luminous afterimages from his own studio.
The pain­tings by Emilia Kina (born 1990) com­bine illusionist and 3D elements. The motif of a cur­tain, charac­teristic of her works, alludes to photographic and theatrical set design, but also to the theory of the pain­terly image. The cur­tain may con­ceal a secret, but at the same time per­forms a muf­fling func­tion, insulating off from an excess of sur­roun­ding images.
The objects by Olaf Brzeski (born 1975) are a three-​dimensional elaboration of the artist’s drawings. His signature line and sur­realist imagination merge in the form of intimate, cast-​iron sculp­tures and bowls decorated in the clay, executed in a traditional ceramic work­shop in Tabriz, north-​western Iran. The experience of living and wor­king in an ear­thquake zone resonates in the fragile material of these ves­sels and the delicate line drawing.


2020 art fairs

NADA Miami


Przemysław Matecki, Paweł Althamer, Olaf Brzeski, Emilia Kina, Zbigniew Rogalski


NADA Miami

Dec 1–5, 2020


Raster, Wspólna 63



Online Viewing Room



This year's edition of the NADA Miami art fair is taking place in a hybrid form – on the online platform and live at Raster. We host 4 other galleries in our space from Poland and Russia: Leto, Polana Institute and Raster from Warsaw as well as Fragment Gallery and Galerie Iragui from Moscow.


For the safety of visitors, 3 guests may stay at the gallery at the same time.