Brussels yoga by Simon

Janek Simon was invited by an experimen­tal art residency program Super Deals for a one-month-long stay in Brus­sels that ended with his “Brussels Research Yoga” show presen­ted in a space run by Super Deals in the Saint-​Gilles district. Two of his new works have forms of visualizations based on statistical data, which is a motif often used by the artist. This time, more or less random data col­lec­ted by Simon became the topic of his artistic analysis—Winston Eusores’ travels recon­struc­ted based on his pas­sport found on the streets of Saint-​Gilles; the total number of cars and pedestrians on Chausse de Water­loo on a Thurs­day after­noon; the impact that con­suming chromium, zinc and fish oil has on the artist’s mood. As the result of super­im­posing those data sets on each other, Simon has created a carefully-​studied and meticulously-​constructed abs­tract sculp­ture. This parascien­tific research leads to con­nec­ting microhistories with a cosmic order of lines and colors; but at the same time it shows how human mind and imagination are absur­dly driven towards the decep­tive need of put­ting reality “in order”.


Brussels yoga by Simon

Janek Simon, "Brussels Research Yoga"

Super Deals, Brussels
