Found in Translation: Sieńczyk

“Adventures on a Desert Island” by Maciej Sieńczyk, the first comic book to be nominated for the most impor­tant literary award in Poland – NIKE Literary Award, is now trans­lated into English. Its publisher is Cen­trala – a publishing house originally based in Poland specializing in comic books from Cen­tral Europe, now taking Great Britain by storm. The A4 album format brings out the best in Sieńczyk’s eerie compositions. It seems his British cam­paign of melan­choly has begun its expan­sion: an excerpt from the comic and a short feature on the artist was published in the October issue of “Art Review” magazine (zob. str 166-168), co stanowi obiecujący początek sieńczykowej kam­panii melan­cholii na ziemiach Zjed­noczonego Królestwa.

” target=”_blank”>see pages 166-168).


Found in Translation: Sieńczyk