Alicja Pakosz <br> VORTICES

The first individual show at Raster by Alicja Pakosz (born 1996) is a nar­rative woven around the figure of a toxic landscape—obsessively retur­ning as a clas­sic motif from the history of pain­ting and also a vision evoking fear, an under­lying anxiety. An image appearing in the least expec­ted moment like hal­lucinations pres­sing under the eyelids. Something morbid and not entirely benign. The artist plays out this story like film frames in a series of pain­tings in two dif­ferent scales and a fully-​formed diorama.


Pakosz is from Tychy and studied at the art academies in Kraków and Nurem­berg. She prac­tises pain­ting and spatial elaborations of pain­ting in the form of instal­lations and dioramas. To date, she has held individual exhibitions at Galeria Piana in Kraków, the Kronika Centre for Con­tem­porary Art in Bytom, and the Gdańsk City Gal­lery (together with Wik­toria Walen­dzik). We showed works of hers ear­lier at Raster in the exhibition 200 Revelations.


Alicja Pakosz

4.02 – 25.03.2023