“Maria Klassenberg”  is a performance-installation-exhibition, built around the biography and work of Maria Klas­sen­berg, a for­got­ten figure of con­tem­porary art. At the opening of the exhibition of her works, the artist con­fronts her­self with a per­sonal history of her relations with her daugh­ter. The con­text for this is provided by her works – recor­dings of per­for­man­ces, objects and instal­lations. The exhibition accom­panying the per­for­mance presents the archives of Maria Klas­sen­berg prepared by Aneta Grzeszykow­ska in cooperation with Jan Smaga. 



The unveiling of the per­for­mance at the Raster Gal­lery took the form of a film due to the pan­demic. The direc­tors Tomasz Śliwiński and Magda Huec­kel, were nominated for an Oscar a few years ago. The premiere is scheduled for the next year.

exhibitions 2020

TR Warszawa


Direction, koncept: Katarzyna Kalwat
Text, dramaturgy: Beniamin Bukowski
Costumes, stage and light design: Anna Tomczyńska
Music: Wojtek Blecharz
Collaboration: Anna Grzelewska, Joanna Zielińska


Archives of Maria Klassenberg, 1970-1980: Aneta Grzeszykowska