The Footballer’s Wife

It took two years to make a video clip for the hit single “Żona piłkarza” (The Footballer’s Wife). The result is an astoun­din­gly precise and detailed, analog, stop-​motion animation featuring head vocalist (and critically-​acclaimed author) Dorota Masłowska – along with pop star Doda and Vic­toria Bec­kham – all incar­nated as sin­ging and dan­cing dolls. The intricate construction of the set is made up of six dif­ferent rooms built on a 1:6 scale and fur­nished in a hybrid style that is a mish-​mash of post-​communist nostal­gia with a new-​fangled fetish for designer ligh­ting fixtures. It’s a work of art in itself, created almost entirely by a single person – Maria Strzelecka, a pain­ter, graphic artist and sometimes actress (best known as Angela Kosz in Xawery Żuławski’s film adap­tation of Masłowska’s smashing debut novel “Snow White and Rus­sian Red”). The video was produced in cooperation with Marcin Figur­ski, Filip Popiołkowski, Anna Popiołkowska and Magda Jurek.


Along with the video we will exhibit the original set design, offering the gallery’s audience a vibrant jour­ney through the bit­ter­sweet world of female foot­ball fanatics and celebs. It’s also a remar­kably realistic and detailed fan­tasy on the décor of communist-​era apart­ment blocks, but above all, it is a peek at the dedicated, almost obses­sive, recreation of a world inscribed into the Polish sub­con­scious – in miniature; a remix of Zofia Rydet’s “Sociological Record” with a youtube chan­nel devoted to everything that unites foot­ball fans.



The Footballer’s Wife


Premiere of MISTER D video clip by Maria Strzelecka
Opening on Thursday, March 17, 6-9PM
Script and animation: Maria Strzelecka
Music: Mister D
Models: Maria Strzelecka, Filip Popiołkowski, Anna Popiołkowska, Magda Jurek
Ligt: Marcin Figurski
Watch the clip on YouTube