Novelist and playw­right Dorota Masłowska premieres her latest creative incar­nation as a singer-songwriter-producer in con­cert with her band MISTER D. The debut album Society is Mean, was released by Raster Gal­lery. The album is an indie/home-made mix of rap, punk and dance. The lyrical layer of the album is a psychedlic mash of tabloid fodder, expres­sed through a statistically Polish glos­sary and its charac­teristic style of expression.


Masłowska the vocalist is still Masłowska the writer. Experimen­tal, flagran­tly provocative, she is an amateur balan­cing along the edge of kitsch. The minimalist, home-​made elec­tronica rever­berates with club and hip-​hop trends, but also a post-​punk aesthetic fascination with dirt and gar­bage, pres­sing one to find a link with Grimes or Crystal Castles. The web is full of com­parisons to M.I.A. or Die Antwoord, as Masłowska plays with her own aesthetic. (…) Just like she does in her novels, Masłowska unmasks the vacuity of reality through lan­guage. And this uncanny talent for jug­gling words remains her key talent.
Robert San­kow­ski for Gazeta Wybor­cza, 21.02.2014


The album and premiere con­cert of Mister D. were  a part of the “Society is Mean” exhibition presented at Raster. 




Mister D., photo by Jacek Kołodziejski


Mister D.’s promotional photo shoot by Jacek Kołodziejski.

Press info and more materials available here.


The musical debut of Dorota Masłowska

Mister D.

Music, lyrics, vocal: Dorota Masłowska
Music supervision: Marcin Macuk 

Mister D. on Facebook
Mister D. on Youtube


The album is available at Raster Editions bookshop, good music stores or on-line:
Mister D. on Spotify
Mister D. at iTunes Store
Mister D. on Deezer
Mister D. on Bęc Zmiana