Artists on Matecki exhibition

Prze­mek Matecki’s Small Pain­tings exhibition, showing at Raster in February and March 2018, has been the sub­ject of numerous com­men­taries, inc­luding on two TV shows: Kul­tura do kwadratu (Cul­ture Squared) and Infor­macje Kul­turalne (Cul­tural News).


Two leading figures of Polish con­tem­porary pain­ting, Tomasz Ciecier­ski and Ryszard Woźniak, com­men­ted on the exhibition for TVP Kul­tura chan­nel. Ciecier­ski, who has created pain­tings together with Matecki, said of the method of his youn­ger col­league: “For me this is such a joy of creation, carefree, a huge pleasure in buil­ding col­lages sometimes from sur­prising juxtapositions of various kinds.” Accor­ding to Woźniak, an art profes­sor, “Prze­mek Matecki presents incredible, unin­hibited imagination and creative invention.” 
Prze­mek him­self admit­ted, “I was never interested in imitating reality. A pain­ting draws me in when it is com­posed of numerous other paintings—ideally when many pain­tings are layered at once. There is no pain­ting without some paper element, without an encoun­ter with some artist, some reproduc­tion, some pain­ting method or some event.”

A review of the exhibition in a Polish magazine "Tygodnik Powszechny"

Artists on Matecki exhibition