Przemek Matecki’s Small Paintings exhibition, showing at Raster in February and March 2018, has been the subject of numerous commentaries, including on two TV shows: Kultura do kwadratu (Culture Squared) and Informacje Kulturalne (Cultural News).
Two leading figures of Polish contemporary painting, Tomasz Ciecierski and Ryszard Woźniak, commented on the exhibition for TVP Kultura channel. Ciecierski, who has created paintings together with Matecki, said of the method of his younger colleague: “For me this is such a joy of creation, carefree, a huge pleasure in building collages sometimes from surprising juxtapositions of various kinds.” According to Woźniak, an art professor, “Przemek Matecki presents incredible, uninhibited imagination and creative invention.”
Przemek himself admitted, “I was never interested in imitating reality. A painting draws me in when it is composed of numerous other paintings—ideally when many paintings are layered at once. There is no painting without some paper element, without an encounter with some artist, some reproduction, some painting method or some event.”