Germans, Slavs, and Tatars

An exhibition by Slavs and Tatars opened at Dresden’s Alber­tinum museum under the melodious title Made in Dscher­many. The main theme is German Orientalism—the ties between German cul­ture and Islam—and the key is in the first four let­ters of the title: DSCH. It’s no accident that the menu for the opening inc­ludes the familiar-​sounding cock­tail Dschin Tonic. Apart from the exhibition pic­turesquely arran­ged in the historic interiors of the Kun­sthalle im Lip­sius­bau, in Dres­den Slavs and Tatars present a series of per­for­mative lec­tures and also per­form interven­tions in the museum’s Dres­den Por­celain Col­lec­tion and Mathematics and Physics Salon. It is the collective’s lar­gest show to date in Ger­many, and another one is plan­ned for later this year at the Kun­stverein Hannover.

exhibitions abroad 2018

Germans, Slavs, and Tatars

"Made in Dschermany"

Slavs and Tatars

Curator: Kathleen Reinhardt



Dresden, Germany



photos by Klemens Renner