Raster in Milan

From 11 to 23 April, we presen­ted works by Olaf Brzeski and Aneta Grzeszykow­ska as part of Preview Milan #7. The show, prepared in con­junc­tion with Art­beat from Tbilisi, Tem­nikova & Kasela from Tal­linn, and Voloshyn Gal­lery from Kyiv, was held in the interiors of the villa at Via Fatebenefratelli 5 in the Brera district of Milan.


Preview is an exhibition format where inter­national gal­leries are invited to dialogue in an unconven­tional space. They have the oppor­tunity to col­laborate and share innovative per­spec­tives and new visions. Preview has been presen­ted six times so far in Milan, five times in London, and twice digitally over the past five years, show­casing works by more than 50 artists presen­ted by 20 inter­national galleries.

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Exhibition view of Preview #7, photo: Francesco Spallacci

Opening of the exhibition Preview #7

Opening of the exhibition Preview #7

Opening of the exhibition Preview #7


Raster in Milan


Via Fatebenefratelli 5, Milan, IT