NADA Miami <br> Raster × eastcontemporary

From Decem­ber 5 to 9, we invite you to the joint presen­tation of Raster and the Milan-​based gal­lery east­con­tem­porary at the NADA MIAMI fair. The main protagonist of the show will be Emilia Kina, who has prepared a group of new pain­tings for this occasion. We will also present new works by Janek Simon from the Metafolk­lore series.


The new works by Emilia Kina (b. 1990) com­bine pain­terly illusion with physical defor­mation of the sur­faces and shapes of the pain­tings. Kina paints cur­tains and light moving across them. Her pain­tings com­bine theatricality and minimalism, trompe l’oeil and abs­trac­tion, illumination and mystery. The artist places these works at the boun­dary between an object and its represen­tation. The leit­motif of a veil has a deeper meaning, toying with the desire inherent in the gaze.


We will also show two of the newest sculp­tures by Janek Simon from his iconic series Meta Folk­lore. These objects are executed by 3D prin­ting, and generated from a smart database trained by the artist, which proces­ses images of non-​academic figural sculp­tures from diverse cul­tures and eras.



Ala Savashevich(b. 1989, Belarus) lives and works in Wrocław, Poland.

Ala Savashevich works with sculp­ture, instal­lation, video and per­for­mance. In her artistic prac­tice she addres­ses the issues of social pres­sure, con­trol mechanisms and oppres­sive sys­tems. In par­ticular, she explores themes of col­lec­tive memory, trauma and iden­tity for­mation in societies with experience of authoritarianism and patriarchy. 

Savashevich is interested in the mechanisms of socialisation into the role of women in family sys­tems, education and through the gen­dered division of labour. By wor­king through histories of exploitation and violence, she also visualises the prospects of rec­laiming agency, solidarity and freedom. In her works she often uses the atavistic power of the image, coping with the post-​Soviet sym­bolic and material heritage. 


Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 76 × 120 × 4 cm | 29.9 × 47.2 × 1.5 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 60.5 × 60.5 × 3 cm | 23.8 × 23.8 × 1.1 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 131.5 × 130 × 5 cm | 51.7 × 51.1 × 1.9 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 76 × 120 × 4 cm | 29.9 × 47.2 × 1.5 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 121 × 130 × 4 cm | 47.6 × 51.1 × 1.5 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 75.5 × 60 × 4.5 cm | 29.7 × 23.6 × 1.7 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, 131.5 × 130 × 5 cm | 51.7 x 51.1 x 1.9 in



Emilia Kina, Untitled, 2023, oil on moulded canvas, [3×] 52 × 131 × 5 cm | [3x] 20.4 x 51.7 x 1.9 in



Janek Simon, Meta Folklore v0.3.10.1, 2023, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 104 × 18 × 24 cm | 40.9 × 7 × 9.4 in



Janek Simon, Meta Folklore v0.3.2.4, 2023, 3-d print, polymer PLA, 98 × 23 × 19 cm | 38.5 × 9 × 7.4 in



Ala Savashevich, Ladies I, 2023, straw marquetry, 50 × 22 cm | 19.6 × 8.6 in



Ala Savashevich, Ladies II, 2023 straw marquetry 50 × 22 cm | 19.6 × 8.6 in



Ala Savashevich, Ladies III, 2023, straw marquetry, 50 × 22 cm | 19.6 × 8.6 in



NADA Miami
Raster × eastcontemporary

NADA Miami

Raster × eastcontemporary




Ice Palace Studios
Miami, USA