FREELANCER is a photographic dip­tych by Zbigniew Libera, made in the spring of 2013 – it is an allegorical self-​portrait of the artist as a social reject. The present publication, inspired by this remar­kable work, covers various sides of Libera, one of Poland’s most recognizable artists. His numerous and highly varied por­traits are artistic, documen­tary, jour­nalistic, and political. The body and the image of the artist are com­bined here with the ambiguous social role he plays. The face of Libera is invariably intriguing: as the physiognomy of a man and a citizen, as a biological mug and the mask of an actor.


Zbigniew Libera

Published on the occasion of the exhibition: Zbigniew Libera Wojna. Obrazy martwe i ruchome

Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 20.09. – 27.10.2013


Essay by: Grzegorz Jankowicz

Edited by: Łukasz Gorczyca

Design: Michał Kaczyński

80 pages, 29 photographs, 240 x 160 mm, cloth hardcover

Print run: 400


Publisher: Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2013

Producer: Raster, Warsaw


ISBN 978-83-61270-71-3